

Elizabeth Whalley Buono will be presenting “Federal and State Responses to the Opioid Epidemic” at the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Annual meeting of The Prevention of Overdoses and Treatment Errors in Children Taskforce (PROTECT) Initiative.

November 8 – 9, 2018 On the CDC’s Chamblee Campus

Atlanta, GA.

Program Overview

The CDC’s PROTECT initiative is an innovative collaboration bringing together public health agencies, private sector companies, professional organizations, consumer/patient advocates, and academic experts to develop strategies to keep children safe from unintentional medication overdoses.  Medication overdoses are a significant public health problem and often lead to emergency treatment and sometimes hospitalization.

Elizabeth is a founding member of PROTECT and will be updating the audience on:

  • Implications of the Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018 for children’s safety.
  • Anticipated FDA opioid packaging mandates.
  • Packaging research undertaken by the state of Connecticut’s Medication Adherence and Anti-Diversion Strategies Task Force to evaluate child resistant opioid packages.
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