
Page Gravely

Page Gravely has unique expertise in “big picture” risk management and mitigation strategies in the healthcare arena. For more than 25 years he has worked nationally on projects relating to patient safety improvement system design including the formation and operation of federally certified Patient Safety Organizations (“PSO”), integrated risk structure development and liability management initiatives.

His practice regularly involves crisis/event management in a wide range of healthcare scenarios and he has deep experience relating to workplace violence program assessment and the implementation of Threat Assessment programs.

Representative engagements include:

• Assistance with development, federal certification and operational support for a number of national “component” PSOs.

• Design and development of a standardized, integrated enterprise-wide workplace violence program.

• Completion of an internal investigation in the aftermath of a shooting fatality at a hospital. This engagement included completion on a risk assessment and analysis of company-wide policies and procedures to develop best practices for implementation enterprise-wide.

• Handling the regulatory and liability issues related to a physical restraint related death on a behavioral health unit.

• Investigation management relating to a sexual assault involving a patient and hospital employee.

• Internal investigation related to a fatal fire started by a behavioral health patient including management of the regulatory and litigation issues involving CMS, state regulatory and law enforcement agencies, as well as local and national media.

Page has been recognized in Best Lawyers in America® in the area of Healthcare Law and he has been named “Legal Elite” by Virginia Business Magazine.

He is an avid student of the Korean martial art Hapkido, which focuses on practical, reality-based self-defense techniques based on situational awareness. His approach to advising clients on these matters follows a similar philosophy. According to Page, “From my perspective, when you are dealing with a complex, fast moving situation, whether in a self-defense or healthcare mitigation scenario, your chance of success is best when you are focusing on practical, realistic strategies that you have prepared for well in advance.”


University of Richmond, B.A., Psychology
University of Richmond School of Law, J.D.


District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Mexico
West Virginia
U.S. District Court, Middle District of Tennessee
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia
U.S. District Court, Southern District of West Virginia
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit

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