Safety & Security

In the current business environment, healthcare providers must take a more proactive approach to safety and security matters. Our attorneys routinely provide legal advice and strategy development assistance pertaining to loss prevention in these areas including threat assessment and response, internal investigation medication security, employee screening, and related issues.

Safety and security services:

  • Routinely conduct security risk assessment for hospitals nationally.
  • Completion of a fatality investigation and policy review following a workplace shooting at a large urban trauma center. Our attorneys completed an internal investigation to evaluate the corporate security program, developed a workplace violence threat response process, and analyzed company-wide policies and procedures to develop best practices.
  • Handled investigation of a pharmaceutical diversion and regulatory response involving the suspected theft of a high volume of a controlled substance. During the investigation, we coordinated findings with federal and state authorities, which led to the indictment of the employee. We also assisted the client in addressing federal and state compliance issues related to securing controlled substances and the employment issues related to the investigation and termination of the suspected employee.
  • Assessment and management of liability, regulatory and public relations aspects of a multiple-fatality hospital shooting.
  • Assistance with a workplace violence investigation and response project involving an independent contractor who, upon notice of termination of his services contract, arrived at the employer’s facility with a weapon, threatened company officials, and then fled. Our firm was hired to investigate the incident, handle the associated legal issues, and create a threat avoidance plan for company officials.


B. Page Gravely
B. Page Gravely